Vero to Dominate FEIMAFE

Vero Software, a global leader in the design and development of CAM solutions will demonstrate several of its product lines – EDGECAM, Radan, VISI and WorkNC – during FEIMAFE 2013, June 3 – 8, 2013 at the Anhembi Exhibition Pavilion, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

According to Steve Sivitter, Regional Director – Americas, “FEIMAFE offers South American manufacturers the opportunity to see how Vero’s suite of software solutions are helping businesses around the globe reduce costs and increase profits.”

WorkNC increases the ability to assist your CNC manufacturing center or job shop to run “lights out” with enhancements to their dynamic stock model. Utilizing this technology allows the software algorithms to know the condition of the stock during cutterpath calculations, not just before and after. This allows the cutterpath to have consistent cutter engagement which extends tool life while reducing air time. Overall, it provides high levels of confidence in the reliability of the roughing and finishing cutterpaths, allowing the milling machines to run unattended.  

Radan will be showcasing its unique combination of applications for profiling, punching and nesting, along with its design and production management capabilities. Radan also offers an offline programming system for press brakes, Radbend.  Customers using Radbend see a high return on investment by improving machine efficiency and overcoming bottlenecks at press brakes.  The combination of all enhancements in Radan 2013 provides greater automation while still giving the user manual options if required. It contains key enhancements to the navigational tools, increasing accessibility to functions; along with improved integration of Radband; and the addition of color making it easier to identify parts, both pre and post production.

EDGECAM will be demonstrating the new Workflow and launch application introduced in the latest version, 2013 R2.  The new functionality guides the user through the programming process in four easy and quick steps – part setup, feature creation, toolpath creation, and post processing.  Once each step is complete, the user moves seamlessly to the next stage, completing each process in turn, resulting in a fully programmed, fully collision-checked, part with swift and accurate CNC code generated.

The latest release of VISI software introduces many new technological features in all areas of the product, with continued emphasis on solutions for mold, tool and die makers.  VISI offers a unique combination of applications, fully integrated wireframe, surface and solid modelling, comprehensive 2D, 3D and 5 axis machining strategies with dedicated high speed routines. Industry specific applications for plastic injection tool design including material flow analysis and progressive die design with step-by-step unfolding provide the toolmaker with unsurpassed levels of productivity.

Visit EDGECAM and VISI with Reseller SKA: Booth C49
Visit Radan with Reseller Mapdata: Booth C69
WorkNC: Booth 114

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